Case SMM

Promotion of an apartment design and repair company: how to get 210 leads?

About the client 

We were approached by a company that is renovating apartments in Berlin. The contractor offers a complete solution - from the design project to all of the repair work. We signed an NDA with the client, so we will not disclose the names of the channels. 

The client has asked for a flow of new clients. Previously, requests came through word of mouth and the designers' own independent work on their own promotion. 

According to the terms of reference, we needed to increase the flow of orders from people who have recently purchased apartments in new buildings of 45 square meters and interested in quality repairs. 

The task is .
Client: construction company 
Service: design and renovation of apartments 
GEO: Berlin 
Goal: more than 150 new leads per month 
Traffic: to the site - conversion to consulting / estimate  
Traffic source: Facebook ads
Price per conversion: up to $20  
Term of work: 1 month 
Target audience: women and men, 28-38 years old 

Before launching the ads, we did the following work :

- Analysis of the target audience: motives, pains and desires;
- Formation of USP (unique selling proposition), based on the desires of CA;
- market positioning;
- evaluation and promotion strategy;
- solutions to analyze the results.

Our work began with an analysis of the input data about the client and its competitors (both direct and indirect). After analyzing the market for this niche, we were able to work through the client's target audience. This helped us to form a further promotion strategy, focusing on a particular customer segment.

After assessing the audience and market, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to focus on two key characteristics:

- The quality of work (that is, to show results in advertising, finished repairs);
- And that the company offers turnkey repairs.

We also took into account the fact that now users do not want to make several calls with contractors. They find it more convenient to get all the information online. 

And we also offered an additional tool to facilitate the work of the sales department - a short quiz. It helped to separate those people who were ready to order from those who were still in doubt. 

Promotion results on Facebook

We started running ads from a basic source of traffic, where we used several types of promotional calls-to-action. The main goal was to get the user's number for a consultation and further sale of services.

Spent: $2,622.50
Received contacts (conversions): 210
Average price $12.49
Average quiz conversion per volume (quiz passed/visited on the first page) - 18.6%


The client was satisfied with the results of the promotion, as they exceeded his expectations. Yes at this point we continue to work on increasing traffic. 

It was decided to continue working with the quiz and conversions. As well as to develop new approaches using native ads. It is better to work more with the brand than with the technical part.

The problems of generating leads can be solved by further form tests. For example, don't ask for a phone number, but come up with another way to get in touch. But the labor and monetary cost of the lead generation tests does not make sense, as there is a working link to filter the user through the quiz, which gives both a reasonable price and quality.

Are you interested in promoting your business on Facebook? Contact 4Limes! Leave a request and our specialist will contact you shortly for a consultation.

2022-05-09 11:31 Facebook Services B2C